Monday 3 September 2012

The $100 Birthday Party - it's possible!

Birthday parties are a big deal. For both mum and the celebrating child. I've heard the stories about extravagant parties for toddlers and tweens that cost upwards of $1000. Yeesh. My wedding dress and bridesmaids dresses combined cost less than that. 

I've heard stories about mums descending into despair about imperfect birthday cakes, and doing injuries trying to throw a fabulous party for their child. In fact, some of those horror stories are mine. Let's not talk about this year's party where I took two weeks off to plan and prepare, it rained all week, and I ended up horribly sick the entire time. Ooops, I digress.

But I'm learning from experience, and I'm here to tell you that you CAN throw an AMAZING birthday party for your child, for  $100. Yes you can. It's true.

Over the next few weeks, I'll go into detail on each area of the party-planning process, and my top tips for keeping costs down. But for now, there is just one thing you need to know:

It is not ridiculous to have a party planning spreadsheet.
Be prepared.

In fact, tomorrow, I'm going to share mine with you. Strap in readers - it's gonna be wild!


  1. $100! ok you have my attention! I'd love to get close to that. shall follow with interest :)

  2. oh and i love your little crochet tops! gorgeous
